
Groom Brings the House Down to Kick Off This California Wedding Celebration!

Michael and Sophie were recently married in the beautiful town of Carmel, just south of San Francisco. Oddly enough the two met at a wedding a few years prior, when Michael approched Sophie and questioned if she was old enough to be drinking.  When her age was established, he proceeded to spend the entire night selling himself.  Sophie was unimpressed, until a few weeks later.

After a few years of dating in New York City, the two were engaged, moved to San Francisco and then threw a wedding party that they’ll never forget. Thankfully, SpeechBooth was there to capture all the memories!

Michael and Sophie’s SpeechBooth Highlight Reel:

First and foremost, Sophie looked absolutely stunning on her wedding day. Second, there’s nothing better than having all your friends and family leaving fun and loving messages that will stay with you forever. Finally, it’s not often that the groom gives a speech at his own wedding, but Michael brought the house down to kick off the wedding celebration…and the rest..is history.

We wish Michael and Sophie all the best! For those of you getting married in the near future, make sure you capture all the memories from your unique day, but don’t wait…

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