
Disposable Camera Assassin: We love thee

Picture this, the guests are silent and the ballroom is romantically lit. The band begins to play, the newly weds are embracing each other for the first dance. Then all of a sudden, the semi-clueless cousin breaks onto the dance floor and takes aim; his subject in his sight, his thumb winds the wheel, he’s ready to take his shot.  He pulls the trigger–FLASH!


The tactless photographer has struck once more. Regardless of the professional photographer capturing every angel of the occasion, the “disposable camera assassin” has taken it upon himself or herself to try and get that perfect shot. With doing this, they’ve injected themselves “perfectly” into the moment forever.

Luckily, these days the “disposable camera assassin” has been relegated to more subtle methods when taking pictures. No winding wheel, no loud click or blinding flash, just a phone and a facebook wall full of photos where everyone looks surprised and maybe a little confused.

“…Its great to see what footage is found and relive those moments again. We love when everyone can contribute in a unique way to the wedding story.”

Disposable cameras themselves were (and are) not bad devices. There is charm and nostalgia to the less-instant and more mechanical way of taking pictures. Its no surprise to us that it has made such a comeback on the wedding scene–this time under more desirable circumstances. These paper-wrapped toy blocks are fun and interactive piece of wedding paraphernalia, but are thankfully not they are not the only simple option to capture our memories.


Secret Confession: We love the “disposable camera assassin”. We don’t condone their actions, but we do recognize that their heart is in right place. They want to help capture personal memories.


We figure that there is a better way to help these assassins be part of wedding, without being PART OF THE WEDDING.

We love disposable cameras and those who wield them. They can take fun images, those behind the scenes moments that typically wouldn’t get capture by a professional photographer. Its great to see what footage is found and relive those moments again. We love when everyone can contribute in a unique way to the wedding story.