
Savoring Summer And Treasuring Seasons to Come.

Well, we’ve reached that point in the summer, August, the last full month of the season. There’s no reason to fret. The long beautiful days of summer will drift peacefully into the soothing fall nights.  At SpeechBooth, we know wedding season is just getting warmed up even if the evenings begin to cool down. Here are some reasons not fear about the latter half of summer making its way out:


Forget the temperature. Remember the moment.

Whether it’s falling rain in the spring and summer, falling leaves in autumn, or falling snow in winter, you can embrace what mother nature has for your big day. Like any good marriage, a wedding is a mix of perfect and imperfect.  Staying in the moment will make the most lasting memories. While we can’t recommend putting SpeechBooth outside in the harshest of elements, we can recommend giving your guests the opportunity to leave a message that reflect the essence of that day.

“Like any good marriage, a wedding is a mix of perfect and imperfect.  Staying in the moment will make the most lasting memories.”



Can we just say that we love September?

September offers us so much, but perhaps it doesn’t always get the credit due. The busy summer months of beaching, hiking , water-parking, and sunburns are exciting and liberating. But, as soon as Labor Day roles around, everyone can exhale slowly and breathe in some calm after the storm. The weather is still brilliant in September, but the hustle and bustle begins to fade. A top-tier wedding month, September is.



It’s cooler dancing when it’s cooler:

Who hasn’t been there? You’ve gone to the wedding with your best dancing shoes on and you’re ready to let the grooving’ begin. Unfortunately, the wedding tent is 97 degrees and the humidity is stifling. You dance anyway, and everyone else joins in. You can’t not dance! Well, after 15 minutes everyone looks like they’re half way through a marathon and the once pressed beautifully wedding clothes are now completely saturated. It’s a necessary sacrifice, but during the comfortable cool nights it is a whole lot nicer.