
Traditional Or Trending: Where Does My Wedding Fit In?

We are inundated with social media throughout our day-to-day lives. If there’s an event to be chatted about, you can bet there’s over 400 blogs dedicated to it. Weddings are not invulnerable to this barrage of web-based opinions.  Everyone with a Twitter handle, or Pinterest account has his or her idea of the perfect wedding.

It’s hard not to get caught up in the “trending wedding” scene. People post beautiful photos of weddings with funky and unique themes, gifts, and settings. Before long, you start thinking:



“Jeez, my wedding is boring, I’m not serving farm-to-table stuffed mushrooms.”


“ Am I doing something wrong if each guest doesn’t receive a parakeet or a vial beard oil of the way out?”




You’re not alone; most couples planning their wedding today deal with these conflicting feelings. Being confused and sometimes deterred by trying to keep up with the trending wedding scene is a common problem.

As fun and as innovative these trendy weddings can be, we hope they’re funky for honest reasons. The goal for your wedding shouldn’t be to get posted on the hottest wedding blog. The best decision you can make is be honest with your mutual desires, and plan for YOUR WEDDING without striving for Internet stardom.

Traditional or trending, it’s your wedding, and that’s the best part.

We have been privileged to be a part of numerous types of weddings. From farm-to-table in Vermont (including live chickens at the reception), or Brooklyn winery basement bash, we’ve seen it all.   What matters to us most, are guests taking a few moments to leave a story and a memory for the newlyweds–no matter the venue.

If the notion of wedding variations are not what you desire, don’t feel bad about it. There’s no doctrine from a high-council telling you how you should curate your wedding. Traditional or trending, do you, boo.