
What Questions Should I Ask My Customers?

This is our 2nd post this spring about using SpeechBooth for corporate events and conferences, which are in full swing right now. Wedding season is almost upon us, but for now we have some more great tips for how to use SpeechBooth in a professional setting.
We’ve been asked this question so many times we wrote an article about it here in our brand new help center.

“I understand the corporate video booth concept, how do I use it to for my brand? What questions should I ask my customers? “


Of course everyone’s needs differ, but these are time-tested tips to get the most valuable content.

“Viewers engage with and respond to videos that have some sort of [story and] emotional content.”
“give people an excuse to tell a story that’s relevant fits with your goal”
“If you craft a broad question, you give participants the opportunity to tell their story vs restricting what they want to say.”


Ideas for general questions you can ask.

  1. How has (product/organization/etc) helped you (grow your business/improve quality of life/etc) this past year?
  2. What (new things) are you doing this year with (product)?
  3. What (industry trends) are helping you (succeed) with (product)?
  4. What (challenges/objectives) is (your organization/you) looking to solve this year with (product)?
  5. Where do you think (product/industry) will be headed in the next (6months/5 years)?
“Your goal is to get people talking about a topic that you can then build a 

brand message around…  People have a natural desire to share.  Get them talking about something your organization is passionate about.”
” ‘Video gems’ are what when participants leave an interesting, unexpected video. [so]…write more open questions that offer room to be spontaneous vs than trying to direct and limit the responses. “
“When in doubt, a good place to start is the mission statement of your organization or your project.    Remember, there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ question (or a perfect answer)!”