
SpeechBooth for Weddings – Advanced Tips

We’ve seen it all when it comes to wedding videos – the tears, the laughter, the shout-outs, the words of advice. Our editors are skilled at turning it all into beautiful, heartfelt compilations. The more videos that are captured, the more material they have to work with, and the better the compilation is going to be. Follow our tips below to capture lots of high quality videos from your wedding day.

Get the word out: Promoting SpeechBooth during the event is the best way to get lots of video messages. Be your own advocate and let your guests know that you want their messages! We suggest having event staff, a DJ, or anyone enthusiastic make regular announcements and spread the word throughout the event.

Consider the placement: Put the SpeechBooth where the action is, where people will see it and can interact with it easily. SpeechBooth is highly portable, so you might consider moving it around throughout the event. For some more tips, check out our placement recommendations in the help center. (Note: avoid putting SpeechBooth right next to speakers)

Spread the word, and put SpeechBooth where the action is!


Practice setting up SpeechBooth before the big day: While setting up a SpeechBooth is easy, and the box comes with step-by-step instructions, the day of the wedding is going to be stressful! Designate someone responsible for setting up and taking down the SpeechBooth, and encourage him/her to practice assembling and using the equipment ahead of time to help everything go smoothly. SpeechBooth is shipped to arrive 2-3 days prior to the date of the wedding.

Maximize the battery life: SpeechBooth will run with the screen turned on for a minimum of 6 hours. To make sure you have plenty of battery life for the times when you need it, turn the screen off when the SpeechBooth will not be in use. We recommend leaving the screen off until the reception starts. Also, while SpeechBooth will be shipped to you fully charged, it is not a bad idea to charge the SpeechBooth the night before the wedding, just to make sure the battery has as much juice as possible.

For more tips and considerations, check out our help center at speechbooth.com/help.